Databinding is a technique used in angular to exchange data between components and views. There are two different types of data-binding in angular. This will act as a bridge between components and view

  • One way binding
  • Two-way binding

One Way Binding

One-way binding is a technique which will bind data between components to the view. This system is unidirectional. Once we do any changes in the component then using one-way binding then it will update the HTML page.

Different types of one-way binding are

  1. String interpolation
  2. Event Binding
  3. Property Binding
  4. Attribute Binding
  5. Class Binding
  6. Style Binding

An example of one-way binding is given below, the component code looks like this below

export class AppComponent {
  firstName: string = "Harikrishnan";
  lastName:string = "R";

the view file can be edited like below

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
  selector: 'app-example',
  template: `

Two-way binding

Two-way binding is a technique used in angular to send data from component to view and vice versa. This system is bidirectional. Two-way binding can be achieved using the ngModel directive.

An example of two-way binding is shown below

<input type="text" [(ngModel)] = 'value' />

Now we need to import in app.component.ts

import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms"; 

and in the imports section in the app.component.ts

imports: [FormsModule]
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
   selector: 'app-search', 
   template: ` 
    Enter the value  : <input [(ngModel)] ='stringVal'> 
    Entered value is:  {{stringVal}} 
export class AppComponent { 
  stringVal: string = ''; 

I hope everyone got a small idea about the data binding techniques in angular. We will go into detail about the one-way binding technique in later blogs


My biography is about Harikrishnan R. Born on 01-October-1992.. Studied Master of Computer Application. Worked software developer. My personal traits were honesty and leadership. Always loves coding, playing cricket, and badminton. Known for learning something new

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